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  • Company Type For Profit
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  • Phone Number +1 (646) 880-9689

Pulsate enables direct communication with customers based on their location, context, interests and behaviours. Pulsate allows you to design and push rich media content directly to customers devices. Deepen the relationship by establishing a customer dialogue. Allow users to reply to your campaigns, provide feedback and keep complaints outside of

social media. Maximize foot traffic by targeting street level or competitor locations. Combine with segmentation for optimal results. iBeacons:tm: enable you to understand indoor customer location and context with incredible accuracy. Easily manage deployment and configuration of iBeacons:tm: with the Pulsate cloud platform. Gain a deeper understanding of your mobile customers and a comprehensive view of each mobile campaign.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Where is Pulsate's headquarters? Pulsate is located in Dublin, Dublin, Ireland.Who invested in Pulsate? Pulsate has 9 investors including Curql and TruStage Ventures.How much funding has Pulsate raised to date? Pulsate has raised .When was the last funding round for Pulsate? Pulsate closed its last funding round on Feb 19, 2024 from a Series A round.Who are Pulsate's competitors? Alternatives and possible competitors to Pulsate may include Promo.comInstapage, and Vhall.